Teacher Training

Become a certified belly dance instructor. Gain new qualification, work flexible hours, and love your job!

Arabian Rose Teacher Training courses are widely recognised for their rich and unique programme. The training covers advanced belly dance technique, knowledge of different belly dance styles and dancing with props.
Our teacher training course will prepare you to deliver safe and well structured classes. The training includes advanced technique, class observations, mentoring sessions held in small groups and assessment.

Entry requirements: Students need to present intermediate or advanced technique. If you are a beginner you need to complete level 1,2 and 3 course before enrolling on teacher training programme.

Course duration: 9 weeks

Days of training : Sundays

Observations: Students are expected to observe classes from level 1,2 or 3.

Observation days: to be agreed

Mentoring sessions: Mentoring sessions are run in small groups of students to allow maximum engagement and learning. During this sessions the teacher will cover all the information needed to successfully teach belly dance classes. Plenty of practice and ongoing support is in the heart of our programme. Our tutors are always available for any questions you may have during and following the teacher training course.

Why train with us? Belly dance is gaining increasing popularity among women of all ages. Here at Arabian Rose teacher training course you will get all the knowledge and skills needed to start teaching belly dancing classes. Our training is recognised by insurance companies in most countries. As a belly dance teacher you can enjoy working flexible hours and offer your services to a different businesses models. You will gain extra qualification to suit your lifestyle.

Starting date:  Sunday 16th April 2023

Tutor: Marta

Fee: £998. This is a total fee per person. The fees are non-transferable, non-refundable. Instalment options are available upon request.

If you have any questions write to Marta Eltohamy at classes@arabianrose.co.uk

16/04/2023 1.00-3.00pm Sundays 9 weeks Marta Eltohamy
Mart Eltohamy

Marta Eltohamy

Founder and director of Arabian Rose, choreographer and show producer at West End and Notting Hill Theatres, Middle Eastern Dance consultant.

Marta is a highly experienced master teacher, with classes that range from beginners to advanced levels. She also has a post-graduate diploma degree in medicine, which enables her to understand and appreciate how the human body moves. Marta’s genuine understanding of the culture and music makes her dance style truly authentic.
Marta’s vibrant life is dominated by her two great passions– her two children, and teaching bellydance group sessions, workshops and private 1-1 classes.

Oxford Street

Oxford Street

Oxford Street Studio: Balderton Street
2 minutes walk from Bond Street Station

Baker Street Studio: Marylebone High Street, 5 minutes walk from Baker Street Station

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